One of my teachers did ask me if I was a type J today... which in the Myers Briggs personality test is Judging. And yes I guess I can be judgey judgerton sometimes ;) I found it really funny that she said this... I guess maybe I am.
So these pieces are just some that we did in my group art therapy class in an open studio format. I used oil pastel on tracing paper, and really liked the effect that is gave me...
Oh and I forgot to tell a story about Headstart the other day. One of the kids said "Ms Kelley, why you making that sound?" And at first I didn't know what he was talking about and then I realized I was sniffling (like I always am) and that must have been what he was talking about. And so I explained that I had allergies and all that and he said "Well you kinda sound like a monster when you do that!" I died laughing... what a cutie. So yep, now I am a monster too!!
People should read this.