So the first week is done and I survived, but man am I feeling overwhelmed!! There is so much to do this semester, this summer. I don't know where to start. I had my research class and child and adolescent class today and they both seem very challenging but exciting. Plus, for the child class I will pick up a client from the detention center. This is causing a little bit of anxiety, but at the same time I am really excited about the experience it is going to give me as well.
This piece we did in the child class. It was supposed to be about what in our adolescence influenced us in art therapy. I began to think about the holding environment that my family provided and hoe that gave me a good foundation for life in general but also for art therapy. So I began with that idea but the piece started to evolve into something similar to a cross-section of a tree with each ring representing times in my life—particularly in adolescents.
This piece we did in the child class. It was supposed to be about what in our adolescence influenced us in art therapy. I began to think about the holding environment that my family provided and hoe that gave me a good foundation for life in general but also for art therapy. So I began with that idea but the piece started to evolve into something similar to a cross-section of a tree with each ring representing times in my life—particularly in adolescents.

These pieces that we did in our research class go together, the first is the outside and the second is the inside. The outside was supposed to represent how we see research and the inside was supposed to represent our hopes and fears about our own research. I felt research started with a blackness, or something unknown, the research sheds light on this and builds on top of one another in a sort of spiral. My hopes and fears had to do with tackling a project that seems so large and threatening at this time.

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