Friday, July 24, 2009

Self Care Journal

July 24
I have had my first full week on the job, and have not really gotten back into the swing of the journaling yet, but have also not been seeing too many clients... It will happen.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Child Therapist's Survival Kit

Today I got the most amazing care package from my sister to congratulate me on my job. It was this great big box with a basket and all these trinkets with little cards on it. Not only did they offer survival tips, but they also will be useful at my new job! I truly have the most amazing sister!!

Here is a list of what was inside, and the message on each card:
  • Rope -- so when you reach the end of yours you can tie a knot and hang on
  • Clock -- don't forget to take some time for yourself
  • An extra pair of hands -- for when you just can't do it alone
  • Hugs and Kisses -- because every child (and therapist) deserves them
  • Gum -- to help you chew things over... (...not chew others out)
  • A puzzle -- to remind you that its hard to put people back together, but sometimes hey can't do it without you
  • A magic wand -- to fix things that you can't
  • Balloons -- to blow up so that you won't
  • Cotton -- to help remember that feelings are soft
  • Paper plates -- for the times that you have too much on yours!
  • Coffee -- to help you stay awake
  • A coloring book -- because at the end of the day sometimes being a kid helps
  • A yoga video -- to remind you to be flexible
  • Glasses -- to remind you that sometimes clients see the world differently
  • Dry erase board -- to remind you that everyone makes mistakes, but you can always erase them
  • Notepads -- for jotting down notes and appointments
  • Magic 8 Ball -- for all the times you don't have the answers
  • m&m's -- because they make friends
  • Air Pump -- to get pumped up on bad days
  • Trail mix -- to remind you to eat
  • Band aids -- to heal hurt feelings (theirs and yours)
  • Lifesavers -- to remind you of the many that need your help
  • Eyemask -- to cover your eyes and forget the little things
  • Music -- to help your clients (and you) relax
  • Shout Wipes -- to get rid of the messes you will make
  • Sour patch kids -- to appreciate the differences in others, and to take the good with the bad
  • Paper clips -- to help you hold it all together
  • Smarties -- for those days you don't feel so smart
  • Nuts -- because sometimes you feel like a nut
  • Candles -- to remind you to share your light with others
  • Tissues -- for when the big stories of little people break your heart and make you cry
  • Bath salts -- to take you away at the end of the day
  • Sill putty -- to stretch you beyond your limits
  • Pain killers -- for the headache you will get
  • Starbursts -- for when you need a burst of energy
  • Cell Phone -- to remind you that it's ok to call for help sometimes
  • Rubber band ball -- to help you bounce back from the hard hits
  • A friend -- to hug you when I can't
  • Clothespin -- to help you hang in there
  • Toothpicks -- to help you pick through the problems that can be helped, and which ones can't
  • Tootsie Roll -- to remind you to roll with the punches
  • Quarter -- for when you need to call in for a mental health day
  • Smiley Face -- to remember your impact on those you help (and that smiles are contagious)
  • Button -- to remind you to button your lips from saying what you really think
  • Penny -- to help make "cents" of it all
  • Mirror (and tiara) -- for when things get really tough, and you feel like you are doing it all wrong, don't forget to look in the mirror and remind yourself of what a brilliant princess you are
  • Cat in the Hat hat -- to remind you to have fun (if your job ever becomes work you shouldn't be doing it anymore)

I was speechless, and in tears!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

More Big News!

I have a job! A real art therapy job! Which means my art journalling will be picking up again here soon.

The job is at Queen of Peace which is where I had my last internship. It is a substance abuse clinic for women, but I will be working with the children that come into the clinic with the moms. It is full-time, and I start part-time next Tuesday and full-time on the following Monday. So much to learn and so much to share...
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