For this one we were asked to do a nametag that represented how we wanted to be seen as a therapist. I found this shiny paper and thought about wanting to be seen as happy and shiny :) After putting it all together, people commented that my design background was apparent... Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing...

On this one, we were just asked to do apiece in response to the day (the first day). I didn't really know what my response to the day was though, but I knew that I wanted it to be vibrant. And from there I just let the piece shape itself...

This one was just a free drawing where we could choose the materials and the subject. I wanted to draw a tree because I was thinking about growth, and my personal growth...

And lastly, this is one that required a little more thought. Now granted on most these other pieces we are given 20-30 min. On this one we had about 45. But we were given the task to create our lifeline, based on what is important to us. I immediately knew that I wanted it to be a circle. And then I thought of the different layers that I wanted to represent. The actual events, and then the emotions that were associated with the events. So on the outside of the circle are the tangible events, and these are the ones that everyone else can see. On the inside of the circle are more of my internal emotions at the time. And then at the very center is the flower and it represents how I am growing as a person. I left a large portion of the circle unfinished, because there is so much more of my life left to live.

So that is a lot of my week in a nut shell. It has been a very hectic week, and a lot is going on, but I made it through it. This is such an exciting time in my life. To think that I have always wanted to pursue this career path, and now I am here and that is what I am doing.
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