So on this first experiential we were asked to respond to how we felt after hearing a rather bad helping response. It was pretty negative and just really squashed the client. We were given wire to work on this and in my piece I show three "figures." One is the client, one the therapist and one an unattainable goal. I felt like the helper was contributing to making the goal unattainable, and so is a barrier.

In this one we were read the same scenario but this time the helper was very supportive and helped the client understand the obstacles. On this one the client is in the center and is being held by the therapist on many levels. It is also a very organic looking piece and could be symbolic of the growth that the client was to make.

This piece is not a beauty or real fun to look at but it was a fun activity. We were looking at direct guidance. So we each had a partner and made a maze and then were to guide our partner through the maze while their eyes were shut using only words. It was very challenging, even with a simplistic maze and really made it apparent how clear and concise directions need to be. If you look closely you can see her pencil marks that are strewn all over the page... yeah I don't think that my directions were clear.

In this one we were given a card (the first image) and asked to respond to it using the materials (clay). I felt that the person in the card felt overwhelmed and unsheltered. And so I created a symbol of this feeling.

That has pretty much been my day in a nutshell. Tomorrow off to Headstart and Thursday another test and Friday the pumpkin patch with Headstart. Next week we have a paper due, and I am not even trying to think about how long it is going to be til I get to come home again... but at least then it will be for 11 days!!
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